Catholic Community of North Buffalo

Weekly Reflections

Julia Dresser
/ Categories: Weekly Reflections

September 3rd - Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflection by Pastor, Father Dave Richards

This Sunday’s Gospel is an important reminder of contemplating God’s will for us and the invitation to persevere daily and follow it. The world poses so much distraction and truthfully the devil will do everything to entice us away from where God calls us. That’s why we
need to be vigilant especially in the choices we make daily.

Why is this important? When we daily take up our cross, we participate with Christ in the salvation of the world. The crucifix is a powerful sign of Jesus’ saving act which concludes with the glory of the resurrection and gives us all the hope of heaven to look forward to. At times, when we are confronted with a cross, we run away, which is exactly what the devil wants. Peter did not want to accept the suffering Jesus predicted was coming his way. The stern remarks by Jesus to Peter to get behind him encourages us to consider the obstacles in our life which prevent us from following God’s will in our lives and taking up our cross.

The definition of obstacle is, a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress. We need to take time to examine the obstacles in our lives. Do we need to remove ourselves from a toxic relationship? Is there a sinful habit we need to ask God’s grace to overcome? Are we struggling with an addiction we need to accept and begin the process of recovery through the availability of support systems around us?

As disciples of the Lord, the attitudes of renouncing oneself (the call to daily conversion) and taking up one’s cross are paramount. What does that look like in your life and what needs to change?

On a side note, it's amazing how time flies and my year anniversary as Pastor of CCBN is September 1st. As I complete this year, I think about the obstacles we've faced and I am so grateful to be a part of this family of parishes with Fr Chris and all of you. Thank you for shouldering some of our burden in the ways that you support us, pray for us, and continue to be faithful in the midst of all of the really difficult changes. Come Holy Spirit!
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